
Organic grape

Organic agriculture has established itself as an alternative system to the conventional system. That is why we have taken advantage of this global trend by venturing into the cultivation of organic grapes in the Autumn Crisp variety. […]

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Construction of new larval laboratory

With the arrival of the first shrimp breeders, we started the start-up of our Larvae Laboratory; located in the cove of Constante, province of Sechura. This great project is a milestone in the history of the company, as it allows us to close the shrimp production cycle […]

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Vaccination day

In coordination with the Regional Health Directorate (DIRESA) and the Health Establishment of the C.P. Chapairá, we have carried out 6 vaccination campaigns that have allowed us to benefit more than 500 employees. […]

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Donation to JASS

In a joint effort with the current Board of Directors of the JASS of Chapairá, chaired by Mr. Luis Felipe Kianman Silva, a technical project was developed in order to improve the potable water supply service offered by said well.

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Donation to CAMCO

In March 2021, we responded to the call made by the Archbishopric of Piura and the Chamber of Commerce and Production of Piura, the same one that had the purpose of raising the necessary funds to acquire a Medicinal Oxygen Plant for patients who have been treated for COVID -19 […]

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New application: Nisira GCH

As part of our Continuous Improvement Policy, different areas of the company have participated in the development of a new technological process, allowing our employees to access quickly, securely and easily the payment documents issued by the company. […]

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Donation of 63 tons of food

Declared a state of emergency, as a result of the spread of COVID-19 in national territory, and imposed restrictive measures of immobilization that mainly affected the most unprotected socioeconomic sectors; from Ecosac we lead the donation of food from the private sector, which were delivered to the Regional Government, Provincial Municipality of […]

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Arrival of breeding prawns

Coming from Hawaii, on June 10 approximately 500 breeding prawns arrived, the same ones that were transferred to our larval laboratory, located in the Constante cove of the Province of Sechura […]

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